Zagreb DuoCACIB 2012 november
2012.11.27 19:06
Dear Leo friends!
We are back from the CACIB show's first day! I can tell, that this was the young dog's day! Both our E's (Excel and Ebony "Lilly") was entered in intermediate class (male and female), and they won it :) So, Exc1, CAC for both :) After that they also got CACIB titles too! The...
MKSZ Derby Show 2012. NOV 03.
2012.11.05 10:54
Dear Friends!
On the MKSZ Derby show 3 Medvebergi leos were entered.
MM Excel in male junior class, MM Ebony (Lilly) and MM Fanta (Mya) in junior female class.
Excel got Exc1, HPJ, Derby Winner and BOB!
Lilly got Exc1, HPJ and Derby Winner
Mya on her really first show got Exc2, she was...
October news
2012.10.18 17:29
Dear Friends,
I'm sorry that I didn't share any news, but we had a busy month :)
On the EuroDogShow, our dogs were placed second: Lilly in Junior Class, so she is Vice European Junior Winner 2012, and Buxa got Exc2, ResCAC in champion class. We are really proud of them (they were gooooood...
New CAC of Buxa :)
2012.09.22 13:41
Today, Buxa got her brand new CAC title in champion class at Szolnok. We are proud of her!
Ma Buxa megszerezte legújabb CAC címét, Szolnokon, champion osztályban. Büszkék vagyunk rá!
Latest news
2012.09.09 13:51
Dear Friends!
Last weekend (1st and 2nd sept), Lilly and Calypso were at Arad (Romania), on a 2 day CACIB show.
Lilly was entered one day, and she got EXC1, CAJC and Best Junior.
Caly got 2 x CAC and 2 x CACIB
With these results, the Medvebergi Leos collected 3 more Champion...
NEW pictures :)
2012.08.28 16:00
Dear Friends,
you can see a lot of new pictures on our facebook site:
the same are uploaded to our picasa webalbum too:
Litter A is 5 years old!
2012.08.24 21:47
Nagyon sok boldogságot, és jó egészséget kívánunk kennelünk első szülött kiskutyáinak, akik ma ünneplik az 5. szülinapjukat!
We wish a lot of hapiness and good health for out first born puppies, they are celebrating their 5th birthday today!
Aida, Amy, Anubis, Astor
Budapest MKSZ CAC
2012.08.18 16:00
Hatalamas sikerként könyvelhetjük el, hogy az összes benevezett Medvebergi leo kitűnő minősítést ért el, néhány helyen osztálygyőztes címmel megdobva a hangulatot. Köszönjük minden gazdinak, hogy elhozták kutyusaikat, felvezették őket, és gratulálunk, mindegyik babánk nagyon szép :)
Ezzel az...
Esztergom CAC
2012.08.13 17:39
Esztergom CAC
judge: Bánhídi Pálné
Medvebergi Maszkos Excel (owner: Anett Inzsöl) - youth class - Exc1, HPJ, Junior BOB
Medvebergi Maszkos Ebony "Lilly" - youth class - Exc1, HPJ
Medvebergi Maszkos Buxa - champion class -...
Happy birthday E litter
2012.08.11 00:00
Dear Emir, Excel, Erik, Extreme Survivor, Explorer, E.T, Eldorado, Etna, Echo,
Europa and Ebony, we wish you a very happy birthday!
Video of Excel and Ebony celebrating