Show successes :)
2013.04.25 18:36
MKSZ CAC Budapest 2013.04.07
Medvebergi Maszkos Excel - intermediate - Exc1, CAC, BOB
Medvebergi Maszkos E.T "Mancs" - open - VG
Medvebergi Maszkos Fanta "Mya" - junior - Exc1, HPJ, Best Junior
Medvebergi Maszkos Ebony Lilly - intermediate - Exc1, CAC
News from the last month
2013.04.25 18:13
Dear visitors!
Our little pups are growing like weed, and most of them already left for their forever homes.
Gorda lives in Sevastopol, and you can follow her life by clicking on her name :) (she is soooo smart, that she already has her own facebook page)
Happy is living with a really nice...
Nando's visit
2013.03.23 17:40
The crazy one jumping around Nando are Lilly and Mya. They are in love with Buxa's husband :)
Hexe cleaning Aunt Amy's ear
Granny Cleo playing with the babies
Balu arrving
Sister and Brother
Playing puppies - 8 new videos
2013.03.15 15:16
Videos made on 15th march. We can't move the babies out to the garden, because of the terrible weather in Hungary.
March videos :)
2013.03.10 11:22
Brand new videos available :)
February news
2013.02.25 19:24
Dear Friends!
In february we had some success with our dogs. Excel got 1 ResCAC, 4 CAC, 4 CACIB and 2 BOB titles, Lilly got 2 ResCAC, 2 CAC, 1 ResCACIB, 2 CACIB title, and little Mya (MM Fanta) fulfilled her HJCH champion title wit 3 Exc1 and 3 HPJ (Jun CAC in Hungary).
Our babies are...
2013.02.09 21:51Litters are here :)
2013.02.05 09:08
Dear Friends!
We are proud to announce that Aida and Buxa also gave birth to their litters. They were whelping on the same day: 2013.01.30
Buxa has 9 strong babies (5 boys and 4 girls), and Aida's daughter (called Gorda) is having fun with her cousins. Of course Aida takes care some...
Year End News
2012.12.28 21:01
Dear Friends!
Kedves Barátaink!
We have great news: both of our Mom-dogs are pregnants :) We are planning their birth around 1st February.
Mind a két mamakutyánk kisbabát vár! A kicsik születését február elejére várjuk.
Excel's owners got the Croatian Champion...
DuoCACIB Nitra
2012.12.05 16:16
Dear Friends!
Succesful weekend again :)
Excel got ResCAC and ResCACIB, and Lilly got CAC and CACIB saturday. The point is that only the classwinner in Leonberg this year (Paddy's Paquino v. Löwengarten) was better than our Excel! (there were dogs form open and champion classes too). We are...